

Spectral F7 is the first over-the-counter topical formula to incorporate astressin-B, whose mechanism of action offers a completely new modality. In newly published clinical research, the stress-hormone-blocking peptide astressin-B is credited with prevention of hair loss due to stress hormones. Features Spectral F7 is the first over-the-counter topical formula to incorporate astressin-B, whose mechanism of action offers a completely new modality. The stress-hormone-blocking peptide astressin-B is credited with prevention of hair loss due to stress hormones. Developed to be used as a booster in conjunction with existing treatments or stand alone. For early stage thinning hair, it can be used as a single-line therapy. Product leaves a pleasant texture, not greasy or sticky Features ultra-high-purity astressin-B, a complex peptide with 33 amino acids. Additional compounds Prohairin beta4 and copper peptides are included to boost efficacy and stability. The treatment is completely free of common side effects like irritation, skin reactions, and other types of discomfort. Directions To enhance an existing topical therapy, apply 10 sprays of Spectral F7 and massage it into the scalp after your regular morning treatment or before your regular evening treatment. Wait at least 10 minutes between products. If Spectral F7 is used as a stand-alone therapy, usually in the early onset of hair thinning, then use it both morning and evening. 2.oz

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SKU 00761245600877


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Spectral F7